Q120519 | Inglês, Significação Contextual de Palavras e Expressões Sinônimos e Antônimos, Analista de Suporte, FINEP, CESGRANRIOTexto associado.The boldfaced item can be replaced by the word in parentheses, without change in meaning, in a) “Taking a break in the workday is more than an indulgence, though:” lines 10-12 (therefor. b) “ ‘Indeed, many people are wishing they could just peel themselves away,’ ” lines 20-21 (Nevertheless). c) “Thus, invite a co-worker to take daily walks with you…” lines 22-23 (So). d) “then commit to just one or two big breaks a week.” lines 33-34 (however). e) “While most co-workers care less about your habits than you think they do,” lines 52-53 (Becaus. Resolver questão 🗨️ Comentários 📊 Estatísticas 📁 Salvar 📎 Anexos 🏳️ Reportar erro