Questões Inglês

" No other country would give Syrians a visa, he recalls over a cup of Syrian coffee in...

Responda: " No other country would give Syrians a visa, he recalls over a cup of Syrian coffee in the one-room apartmenthe shares with wife, two-year-old son and brother-inlaw,in the Cambuci district of São ...

Q42697 | Inglês, Soldado do Corpo de Bombeiro, Bombeiro Militar AC, FUNCAB

" No other country would give Syrians a visa, he recalls over a cup of Syrian coffee in the one-room apartment he shares with wife, two-year-old son and brother-inlaw, in the Cambuci district of São Paulo.We could have tried to get to Europe illegally by boat, but that was too dangerous for my family. So Brazil was the only safe choice."

According to the text, the total number of people who live in the one-room apartment in Cambuci is: