Questões de Concursos Públicos: Tag questions

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2 Q849508 | Inglês, Tag questions, Prefeitura de Romelândia SC Professor de Inglês, GS Assessoria e Concursos, 2020

Analyse the sentences and the question tags:
I-We have lived alone, haven´t we? II-Let´s correct the exercise, shall we? III-Let the books on the table, shall it? IV-Sarah has curly hair, hasn´t she?

3 Q848878 | Inglês, Tag questions, Prefeitura de Capim PB Professor A Inglês, FACET Concursos, 2020

Read the sentences extracted from the article, then analyze the proposed question tags for them and select the most appropriate alternative:
“The current approach is bust,” (line 9) It has been rescheduled for next year. (line 18) […] but the UK is not yet meeting the targets around adequate funding on biodiversity (lines 34, 35)

i. The current approach is bust , isn’t it?

ii. It has been rescheduled for next year, hasn’t it?

iii. […] but the UK is not yet meeting the targets around adequate funding on biodiversity, is it?