Questões de Concursos Públicos: Letras

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Read the excerpts below.

I - "Os altos preços das commodities e uma safra recorde de 133,3 milhões de toneladas de grãos" (lines 7-9).

II - "A previsão foi respaldada também pelos números da atual safra (2007/2008)." (lines 31-32).

III - "Com 90% dos grãos colhidos, a Conab [...] estimou um novo recorde:" (lines 32-34).

The item that contains suitable translations for the words in boldtype is

Which pair presents an INADEQUATE translation into English of the fragment taken from the text?

"Thus, whereas in 1950, 30 per cent of the world population lived in urban areas, by 2000 the proportion of urban dwellers had risen to 47 per cent and is expected to reach 60 per cent by 2030." (lines 33-37). The only sequence that offers suitable translations into Portuguese of the words in boldface in the sentence above is

All of the following can be considered knowledge workers, EXCEPT

The phrases "...will likely rise..." (line 15) and "...a major redistribution of the population." (line 33) can be correctly translated as

The Portuguese phrase that correctly translates the verb form "will …have overtaken" in the sentence "The number of urban dwellers will for the first time have overtaken the number of rural dwellers in the world in 2008."(lines 37-39), is

The authors use exemplification in many parts of the text in order to clarify their ideas. Mark the option that indicates the correct relationship between the examples and the issue being illustrated.

The terms "...Produto Interno Bruto" (line 1) and "...balança comercial." (line 39) are correctly translated as:

The sentence "Being less urbanized, Africa and Asia are liable to experience rapid rates of urbanization during 2000-2030."(lines 46-48) is adequately rendered in Portuguese as

A semantic equivalent in English for the excerpt "(mais de um terço de tudo o que o Brasil exportou no ano passado)." (lines 37-38) is