Questões de Concursos Públicos: Prefeitura de Itatiba SP Professor de Educação Básica PEB II inglês

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1 Q850951 | Inglês, Interpretação de texto, Prefeitura de Itatiba SP Professor de Educação Básica PEB II inglês, Avança SP, 2020

Read the following expression and match each one to the correct definition:

I. “A blessing in disguise”
II. “Beat around the bush”
III. “Bite the bullet”
IV. “Call it a day”

( ) “avoid saying what you mean, usually because it is uncomfortable” ( ) “to get something over with because it is inevitable” ( ) “a good thing that seemed bad at first” ( ) “stop working on something”

2 Q850694 | Inglês, Interpretação de texto, Prefeitura de Itatiba SP Professor de Educação Básica PEB II inglês, Avança SP, 2020

Choose the option that best replaces the words in bold:

“... Then the whining schoolboy, with his satchel And shining morning face, creeping like snail Unwillingly to school...”

3 Q849944 | Inglês, Advérbios e conjunções, Prefeitura de Itatiba SP Professor de Educação Básica PEB II inglês, Avança SP, 2020

Read the following sentences and complete, respectively, with the appropriate verbs/adjectives.

I. “If we don’t drink ______ water, it affects our concentration.”
II. “But our level of happiness is also _______ by the choices we make.”
III. However, the weather and the coming darkness _____ her feel sorry for the lady.”
IV. “He was ______ to meet me back there at Mickley.”

4 Q849716 | Inglês, Verbos, Prefeitura de Itatiba SP Professor de Educação Básica PEB II inglês, Avança SP, 2020

Read the following sentences and complete, respectively, with the appropriate verbs.

I. “At the touch of love everyone ______ a poet.”
II. “Don’t let yesterday ______ up too much of today.”
III. “Blessed are the curious for they ______ have adventures.”
IV. “The journey, not the arrival _______.”

5 Q851519 | Inglês, Interpretação de texto, Prefeitura de Itatiba SP Professor de Educação Básica PEB II inglês, Avança SP, 2020

Read the following expression and match each one to the correct definition:

I. “Add insult to injury”
II. “Costs an arm and a leg”
III. “Good things come to those who wait”
IV. “The best thing since sliced bread”
( ) “A really good invention”
( ) “Very expensive”
( ) “Be patient”
( ) “To make a bad situation worse”

6 Q850675 | Inglês, Adjetivos, Prefeitura de Itatiba SP Professor de Educação Básica PEB II inglês, Avança SP, 2020

Read the following sentences and complete, respectively, with the appropriate adjectives/adverbs.

I. “They live in a ____ five-bedroom house”
II. “He was an _____ father, she loved him”
III. “We had a lot of fun during this _____ trip”
IV. “It was so _____ in my son’s bedroom, so stinky.”

7 Q851047 | Inglês, Vocabulário, Prefeitura de Itatiba SP Professor de Educação Básica PEB II inglês, Avança SP, 2020

Choose the option where both grammar and vocabulary are correct:

I. “When she did get in, Andrea could see that she was not, in fact, so little.”
II. “It was then that she noticed something worrying about the dog.”
III. “She replaced the receiver, then quickly backed out of the door and ran into the street.”
IV. “At this point I called a plumber to come and fix my drain.”

8 Q849082 | Inglês, Interpretação de texto, Prefeitura de Itatiba SP Professor de Educação Básica PEB II inglês, Avança SP, 2020

Choose the option that best replaces the words in bold:

“I stand amid the roar Of a surf-tormented shore, And I hold within my hand Grains of the golden sand.”

9 Q848707 | Inglês, Verbos, Prefeitura de Itatiba SP Professor de Educação Básica PEB II inglês, Avança SP, 2020

Read the following sentences and complete, respectively, with the appropriate verbs.

I. “The way to get _____ is to quit talking and begin doing.”

II. “We may encounter many defeats but we must not _____ defeated.”

III. “Today’s accomplishments _____ yesterday’s impossibilities.”

IV. “People who are crazy enough to ______ they can change the world, are the ones who do.”

10 Q849491 | Inglês, Advérbios e conjunções, Prefeitura de Itatiba SP Professor de Educação Básica PEB II inglês, Avança SP, 2020

Read the following sentences and complete, respectively, with the appropriate verbs/adjectives.

I. “If something happened, ______ it and propose a fresh start.”
II. “I’m sorry for ______ this out, but you don’t look so good.”
III. “A recent report has ______ that more and more people have been feeling stressed”
IV. “I can’t talk to you because I’m ______ late for work”