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Professor de Educação Básica III - Língua Inglesa - Gramática

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In terms of the use of prepositions, judge the next items. When I saw him, he was standing by the window.

Regarding the seasons of the year and what characterizes them, judge the items below. A lot of people’s favorite season is fall because that’s the time when all the gardens are full of flowers.

Consider the following sentence.

There is a new shopping mall in town.

With respect to this sentence, judge the following items.

There to be is the infinitive form of “There is”.

Consider the following sentence.

There is a new shopping mall in town.

With respect to this sentence, judge the following items.

The correct question tag for the sentence is (...), is there?

As far as the position of adverbs is concerned, judge the following items. She beautifully sings.

In relation to the use of demonstrative pronouns, judge the following items. Come closer and look! See? That ring I’m wearing now is made of platinum.

Regarding the use of phrasal verbs, judge the items below. When you try on something, you put it on to see if it fits you, or if it is exactly your size.

Concerning ordinal numbers and the months of the year, judge the following items. In Brazil, a lot of people choose to get married in June, the fifth month of the year.

As far as the position of adverbs is concerned, judge the following items. She never has told a lie.

The phrase “almost always” is an adverb of place. When a holiday falls on a Friday or a Monday, people usually try to travel to nearby cities.

Concerning ordinal numbers and the months of the year, judge the following items. My favorite months of the year are the first and last ones, in other words, January and December.

In the dialogues contained in the items below, judge whether the use of interrogative pronouns is correct.

— What did you meet last night?

— I met my boyfriend’s mother.

In relation to the use of demonstrative pronouns, judge the following items. Come over here! Can you see these spots on my face? Don’t touch them, OK? The doctor said they have to be removed.

In relation to the use of demonstrative pronouns, judge the following items. These things you can see over there in the distance are cars.

With respect to grammatical aspects, judge the following items. The use of the past perfect and the past perfect continuous is correct in the following sentence: “When I first met him, he had already written two books. As a matter of fact, what I didn’t realize was that he had been writing his third one at that time.”

Concerning the use of question tags, judge the following items. The question tag for the sentence She cut a piece of cake for me is (...) does she?

Regarding the use of phrasal verbs, judge the items below. If you drop by a person’s house, you try to demolish or tear it down.

Regarding the use of phrasal verbs, judge the items below. To be fed up with something means to be annoyed, angry or bored.

The phrase “almost always” is an adverb of place. Saturdays and Sundays are the days most people don’t have to go to work.

Consider the following sentence: “If I had some more time, I would do many other things like visiting you more often. Actually, I have been so busy that I have had to work on the weekends, too.”

With respect to the sentence above, judge the items that follow.

In this sentence, it is grammatically correct to replace the infinitive form “to work” with the gerund form “working”.

On workdays, I almost always have lunch after midday.

Regarding this sentence, judge the following items.

The phrase “almost always” is an adverb of place.

Concerning the use of question tags, judge the following items. The question tag for the sentence You love coffee is (...), don’t you?

Concerning the use of indirect speech, judge the following items. The indirect speech form of “He said: I have always spent my vacation here” is: “He said that he had always spent his vacation there”.

In terms of the use of prepositions, judge the next items. My dream is to live in a tropical island.

Concerning the use of question tags, judge the following items. The question tag for the sentence He has never done such a horrible thing! is (…), has he?

Consider the following sentence: “If I had some more time, I would do many other things like visiting you more often. Actually, I have been so busy that I have had to work on the weekends, too.”

With respect to the sentence above, judge the items that follow.

The clause “If I had some more time” is in the conditional.

On workdays, I almost always have lunch after midday.

Regarding this sentence, judge the following items.

“after midday” can be replaced with after 12:00 p.m., without changing the meaning of the sentence.

Regarding the correct form of nouns and adjectives, judge the items below. The noun forms for the adjectives strong, wise, and high are, respectively: strength, wizard, and highly.

On workdays, I almost always have lunch after midday.

Regarding this sentence, judge the following items.

In Brazil, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday are usually considered to be workdays.

On workdays, I almost always have lunch after midday.

Regarding this sentence, judge the following items.

The verb “have” is in the present continuous because it’s an action that is happening at the moment of speaking.

In terms of the use of prepositions, judge the next items. Mr. Ross loves reading about carnivorous plants.

Regarding the use of phrasal verbs, judge the items below. To be through with something means the same as to have finished an activity or task.

Regarding the seasons of the year and what characterizes them, judge the items below. Winter is the season homeless people don’t like very much because they don’t usually have good coats or blankets to protect them against the cold.

In the dialogues contained in the items below, judge whether the use of interrogative pronouns is correct.

— How did you get here?

— I drove here.

Regarding the correct form of nouns and adjectives, judge the items below. The adjective forms for the nouns beauty, mother, and courage are, respectively: beautiful, motherly, and courageous.

Concerning ordinal numbers and the months of the year, judge the following items. Some people believe that, on Friday, August 13, a lot of bad things happen.

With respect to grammatical aspects, judge the following items. In the sentence: “That castle has stood on that hill for centuries”, the present perfect can be replaced by the present perfect continuous without changing the meaning of the sentence.

Consider the following sentence: “If I had some more time, I would do many other things like visiting you more often. Actually, I have been so busy that I have had to work on the weekends, too.”

With respect to the sentence above, judge the items that follow.

The word “Actually” is a false cognate.

Concerning the use of indirect speech, judge the following items. The indirect speech form of “Where is my mother?, she asked” is “She has asked where was her mother”.

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